The nursery house (discover the tough themes). 2019


Discover “The nursery house” for the mentally frailed.

It touches a very important theme, which people usually try to avoid until they face it when one of their parents or grandparents enters one. Today in pandemic times, the theme became even more actual.
Dimensions are 60x80x3.5 cm. It is made with lightfast high-quality oil colors on a canvas, stretched on the thick wooden frame, and varnished—ready for hanging.
The frame is not included. All sides are painted in the background grey color.

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SKU: PA-4-2 Category: Tags: , , , ,


The nursery house” shows the dining room and its inhabitants in the dining room.  It is made with lightfast high-quality oil colors on a canvas, stretched on the thick wooden frame, and varnished—ready for hanging.

The Nursery House

The frame is not included. All sides are painted in the background grey color. The certificate of authenticity hand-signed is attached. Will compliment any painting collection.The nursery house. Dinner The nursery house (discover the tough themes). 2019 Eugene Kurlandsky. Artworks

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 80 × 3.5 × 80 cm


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